Yamaha (SET, user-program)


Author Mihai13
Description 409MB si 13.666MB pt sty
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Mai este un pas si 20 de sty de pus
Filesize 251.39 MB
Date Thursday 27 February 2020 - 15:07:57
Downloads 33
 10.0 - 2 votes 


02 Mar : 08:46
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Pt putinii detinatori de Yamaha interesati de Pack ceva scuze pt ca am eliminat un tambal si am pus in loc un sax, neavand timp sa trec prin toate sty-lurile cateva probabil nu suna cum trebuie.
Urmatoarea versiune, probabil ultima va avea totul rezolvat inclusiv OTS-urile.
15 Mar : 04:30
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Pt ce model de instrument este?
29 Mar : 08:02
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nu e nevoie sa raspunzi, ms am gasit,timpul tau e pretios.
29 Mar : 16:14
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Scuze Maxx, chiar nu-mi sta in caracter, pt toate clapele a caror memorie permite incarcarea.
Azi am pus o noua versiune mai mica de 400Mb deci intra si pt SX700
Pt asta manelele sunt separate dar presupun ca ai vazut deja uploadul acela.

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[download] Set Korg Pa600 Romanian DM Posted by 6ase6ase on 25 Jul : 12:48
Parola ???

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Salut! Parola?

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Mersi mult!!

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