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Results 1 - 10 of 263 in Downloads

bullet Roland (styles) | Ritmuri romanesti pentru Roland VA-7
Ritmuri romanesti pentru Roland VA-7
Author: qawsed | Date added: Friday 23 April 2010 - 04:39:31

bullet Partituri | Tiberiu Brediceanu - Doine si cantece populare romanesti
Contine: CAIET I: Foie verde, foi de nuc Canta puiul cucului Spune mandr'adevarat Vai, badita, dragi ne-avem Badisor departisor Cine ...
Author: CosmoS | Date added: Thursday 03 September 2020 - 14:29:37

bullet Partituri | Heinrich Moller - Cantece populare romanesti
Conține următoarele cântece:Foaie verde trei alune, Foaie verde cimbrișor, Unde aud cucul cântând, Cine trece pe uliță, Dor de ducă, Foaie ve...
Author: Ioanguitar | Date added: Monday 17 June 2019 - 14:39:58

bullet Yamaha (styles) | style romanesti yamaha
Am folosit pentru psr 450.
Author: gilbert | Date added: Tuesday 28 November 2017 - 15:57:45

bullet Yamaha (styles) | Ritmuri romanesti Yamaha PSR E433 - korgos50
sa folositi cu sanatate...::Ő
Author: korgos50 | Date added: Tuesday 20 January 2015 - 17:32:31

bullet Yamaha (styles) | tyros romanesti styles
more style yamaha or roland email me
Author: chawo | Date added: Saturday 23 August 2014 - 07:28:19

bullet Romanesti (midi) | Colectie de negative MIDI romanesti
In aceasta colectie, veti gasi o multime de negative in format .mid, ale urmatorilor artisti: Bosquito Cargo Carmen Serban Carstea Elena ...
Author: noname | Date added: Sunday 10 February 2013 - 18:59:53

bullet Romanesti (midi) | A-midi romanesti - Marione_91
midi romanesti A-midi, cu placere!
Author: Marione_91 | Date added: Friday 01 March 2024 - 16:37:24

bullet Romanesti (midi) | Midi romanesti Johnny
Cateva midi romanesti , poate are cineva nevoie
Author: raulito10 | Date added: Friday 21 April 2023 - 17:53:10

bullet Ora de muzica - Lectii, cursuri ... | Istoria muzicii romanesti an 3 curs obligatoriu zi
istoria muzicii romanesti
Author: rolandem | Date added: Tuesday 01 November 2022 - 16:54:35

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Results in Members

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Results 1 - 10 of 288 in Forum

bullet As part of thread: Tyros 2 styluri si tonuri romanesti
Salutare! Am o rugaminte de la cei care poseda Tyros 2 Ii rog daca se poate sa ma ajute si pe mine cu niste styluri si tonuri romanesti Va multu...
Posted by silbygg on Friday 25 March 2016 - 10:09:52

bullet As part of thread: Ritmuri folclor romanesti Roland BK
as avea rugamintea daca vrea cineva sa ne ajute si sa posteze ritmuri de folclor romanesti facute cu roland bk3, bk5 sau bk7. ma intereseaza urmatoare...
Posted by muset on Tuesday 23 April 2013 - 12:33:43

bullet As part of thread: Piese karaoke romanesti
Salutare domnilor! Am nevoie de ajutorul vostru in a gasi cateva piese romanesti (kar sau mid) mai rare. Nu sunt profesionist, nu ma ocup cu DJ s...
Posted by gibonul on Tuesday 11 November 2008 - 09:17:17

bullet As part of thread: Repertoar Versuri Romanesti si international
Buna dragi colegi, sint sigur ca multi dintre noi avem aceasi problema carind repertoare pe hirtie prea mari si grele avind in vedere ca technologia a...
Posted by Yamahakey on Wednesday 11 April 2018 - 18:43:09

bullet As part of thread: voci romanesti populara PSR 1000
Ma poate ajuta cineva cu voci pentru YAMAHA PSR 1000, pentru populara, de exemplu: taragot, fluier... Multumesc
Posted by vojugvm on Monday 20 March 2017 - 21:10:42

bullet As part of thread: Caut negative romanesti (Dan Spataru, G.Dorobantu, Holograf, S.Banica, Talisman)
Buna colegi, de unde as putae gasi negative din repertoriul: Dan Spataru, Gabriel Dorobantu, Holograf, Stefan Banica, Talisman si alti artisti mari di...
Posted by sslavic3 on Wednesday 11 March 2015 - 15:34:57

bullet As part of thread: Colinde romanesti si internationale.
Va rog, cine are partituri colinte in format pdf sa posteze la downloadari. De preferat armonizare satb. Va multumesc!
Posted by 67jack on Monday 15 November 2010 - 12:01:07

bullet As part of thread: genos recomandare
...comandati vreun set testat pt genos? ma intereseaza mai mult set romanesti si internationale, manele si populare mai putin. va multumesc
Posted by Geza on Sunday 10 March 2024 - 20:54:17

bullet As part of thread: Ne poate ajuta cineva cu un set complet pentru Yamaha PSR-S550 ???
.../ lucrate profesional pentru orice fel de melodii romanesti in REGISTRATION MEMORY si 50 de fisiere cu ritmuri ( .STY ) la fel de '' smechere '' egali...
Posted by unaidiu on Tuesday 07 March 2023 - 18:55:41

bullet As part of thread: Ritmuri Roland pe Medeli AKX10
Un Demo de sunete specifice romanesti(nai, taragot, caval, acordeon)! Ritmul de doina apartine colegului Mihai13.
Posted by Devylxxx on Thursday 13 October 2022 - 16:54:03

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Results in Other Pages

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Results 1 - 10 of 17 in Comments

bullet Posted to download item: Negative_romanesti
negative romanesti
Posted by korg_style on Monday 08 February 2021 - 00:29:27

bullet Posted to download item: 451 de texte romanesti
451 de texte romanesti
Posted by korg_style on Wednesday 27 January 2021 - 22:16:57

bullet Posted to download item: Set Yamaha Tyros4(set 2015 Full) - danielpro9000
...and VO Set s-a pierdut, dar totusi a meritat am gasit cateva sty-luri chiar noi pt mine desi am vreo 6000 romanesti. Inca o data multumiri.
Posted by Mihai13 on Monday 05 June 2017 - 10:05:39

bullet Posted to download item: Negative cu de toate
Negative cu nume incepand cu litera C si D, romanesti si internationale.
Posted by kondorl on Tuesday 30 August 2016 - 21:34:13

bullet Posted to download item: Partituri slagare internationale part.2
Nu. Sunt cantece populare romanesti din Moldova.
Posted by florian on Wednesday 14 January 2015 - 12:28:35

bullet Posted to download item: Colinde internationale (styles-E80)
Imi puteti trimite si mie va rog aceste Colinde la
Posted by torentul on Thursday 27 November 2014 - 14:11:54

bullet Posted to download item: Ritmuri pentru Colinde
Imi puteti trimite si mie va rog aceste ritmuri la
Posted by torentul on Thursday 27 November 2014 - 14:10:22

bullet Posted to download item: karaoke cu lista
Fisierul este incadrat gresit la Karaoke romanesti... majoritatea sunt piese straine, nu romanesti!
Posted by pustiulica on Thursday 20 February 2014 - 09:48:08

bullet Posted to download item: g1000 sarbesti
as vrea si eu discheta am un g1000 dar na fost cu stylesuri romanesti si mai ma pun la cantat de 2 ..3 ori pe luna cand mai am timp !ca lucrez constu...
Posted by daniel64 on Sunday 25 August 2013 - 17:54:41

bullet Posted to download item: Caiet cantece
De care melodii romanesti? muzica usoara sau populara?
Posted by victorr on Monday 04 March 2013 - 18:06:55

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Results 1 - 2 of 2 in Chatbox

bullet Posted by doublex26
Multumesc mult. Am dat deja comanda de un SX600. Unde as putea gasi style-uri romanesti pentru ea?
Tuesday 23 March 2021 - 08:55:56

bullet Posted by angelitto
...i folclor. Altfel alege un pa300 sau pa600 caci ai memorie de sampler si poti pune pe ea instrumente specifice romanesti (tambal, braci, etc)
Wednesday 26 February 2020 - 15:40:06

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Comentarii noi

[download] Set Korg Pa600 Romanian DM Posted by 6ase6ase on 25 Jul : 12:48
Parola ???

[download] Set Korg Pa600 Romanian DM Posted by Grisa on 24 Jul : 20:46
Salut! Parola?

[download] Pastor Korg Pa3x le solo styles Posted by Dima2006 on 28 Jun : 18:48
Mersi mult!!

[download] Tonuri Korg Kronos2 - alin_alinalin Posted by naghy2005 on 27 Jun : 20:16
este set de kronos nu de 4

[download] Set kontakt 2017 + styles ( ADR Kontakt Set AD&MC ) Posted by unaidiu on 23 Jun : 18:11
''Demo Style AD pentru KONTAKT si clapa sau Kontakt +OMB+Clapa'' LINK: Click aici ! ''Demo KONTAKT'' [more ...]

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