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Results 1 - 10 of 49 in Downloads

bullet Yamaha (styles) | Hora taraf Yamaha
hora taraf
Author: case | Date added: Sunday 28 September 2014 - 15:49:40

bullet Roland (styles) | Ritm Sarba Taraf Roland - DjNynu
sper sa va fie de folos
Author: DjNynu | Date added: Monday 23 February 2015 - 11:18:31

bullet Yamaha (styles) | Yamaha hora rara taraf
Author: irinel1974 | Date added: Sunday 28 September 2014 - 15:50:50

bullet Yamaha (styles) | hora taraf

Author: iosif123 | Date added: Saturday 03 March 2012 - 06:29:30

bullet Folclor (karaoke) | buna seara oameni buni taraf
midi populara
Author: crissa | Date added: Tuesday 27 October 2009 - 14:16:44

bullet Folclor (karaoke) | 015.buna_seara_oameni_buni-taraf
buna seara oameni buni kar.
Author: sagona | Date added: Saturday 27 December 2008 - 21:26:19

bullet Yamaha (styles) | Ritm Sarba taraf - Yamaha Tyros
Sarba taraf
Author: george1978 | Date added: Saturday 15 November 2014 - 21:32:48

bullet Tonuri semplate WAV | Contrabas bun taraf
Contrabas taraf
Author: iepuras | Date added: Wednesday 26 March 2014 - 18:17:17

bullet Roland (styles) | Hora taraf pentru Roland Gw7
Hora taraf pentru Roland Gw7
Author: cipriana | Date added: Friday 07 June 2013 - 23:13:23

bullet Yamaha (SET, user-program) | Viori Taraf Tyros 4
Viori Taraf
Author: KILUI | Date added: Wednesday 30 January 2013 - 06:49:01

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Results in Members

No matches found

Results 1 - 10 of 86 in Forum

bullet As part of thread: Negativ cu taraf
Cine are negativul la melodia,, Drag mi-a fost calul balan" - in varianta cu taraf. Solista mea participa la un concurs si are nevoie de acest negativ...
Posted by bebykorg on Wednesday 22 August 2012 - 20:26:41

bullet As part of thread: Hora taraf lenta Tyros 2
CE PARERE AVETI? Hora taraf lenta tyros 2 - Hora taraf lenta tyros 2 Asculta mai multe audio Muzica (cminor edit - ca sa dea play direct aic...
Posted by nicaflorin on Thursday 29 October 2009 - 10:41:58

bullet As part of thread: Taraf greu
nu stiu cum sa-i gasesc..vreau sa-i cooptez in formatie,dar nu stiu cum sa dau de ei...cred ca am ales potrivit categoria divertisment,nu? http://ww...
Posted by on Monday 28 January 2013 - 14:09:32

bullet As part of thread: Hora taraf demo Korg PA2x
Posted by mihai roland on Monday 12 March 2012 - 19:56:52

bullet As part of thread: demo samplere korg pa700
... poti juca cu un ton sa sune ca acum 20ani sau ca unul peste 20ani.:)
Posted by alinbz on Friday 01 May 2020 - 13:00:28

bullet As part of thread: Țambal bun pentru Korg Kronos
...ul lui daddy.. tambalul e bun,dar nu prea se lipeste in taraf accomp. parerea mea. un tambal tanase, cascaval ar fi mai aproape de folclorul RO
Posted by alex-lx on Monday 17 December 2018 - 21:22:40

bullet As part of thread: Hora de ascultare Korg pa700
... faci muzica nu galagie nu trebuie luat exemplu taraful Maria Tanase , nu cere nimeni asta,si nici matematic nu poti sa canti decat eventual dupa pa...
Posted by gigiflo on Wednesday 22 August 2018 - 11:07:07

bullet As part of thread: Hora de ascultare Korg pa700
...nțele timpului. Cine mai interpretează exact ca taraful Mariei Lătărețu? În primul rând că este imposibil sa păstrezi "unicitatea", in al do...
Posted by cantlaclapa on Wednesday 22 August 2018 - 09:05:42

bullet As part of thread: Comment/Rating Download
...r: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X 22: Vals taraf STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X 23: Vals Amore STY Ver: 0 Rel...
Posted by miki67 on Wednesday 11 July 2018 - 19:30:43

bullet As part of thread: Comment/Rating Download
...r: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X 22: Vals taraf STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X 23: Vals Amore STY Ver: 0 Rel...
Posted by miki67 on Wednesday 11 July 2018 - 14:22:57

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Results in Other Pages

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Results 1 - 9 of 9 in Comments

bullet Posted to download item: Chitara taraf wave
Chitara taraf
Posted by korg_style on Wednesday 27 January 2021 - 22:09:41

bullet Posted to download item: Set korg Pa 4x Denis
Buna ziua ! Mi-as dori sa fie in deosebi folclorul ,etno,taraf,usoara,dance ,Moldova/Romania,internationalele sint si asa de ajuns pe mp3 . :)
Posted by GHEHA on Thursday 26 July 2018 - 09:43:48

bullet Posted to download item: set korg pa 600 pyry
Nimic interesant: Aceleasi hore , taraf Andra , fanfara , manea pokemon IndiaAD , iar la muzica usoara aceeasi treaba cam ce se gaseste in mai toate ...
Posted by ZoltanKote on Wednesday 03 January 2018 - 20:59:38

bullet Posted to download item: yamahamen
...TY Samba-folk.STY Sarba Body.s245.STY SARBA TARAF.sty Sarba tyros 4.STY sarba-ca-la-moldova.sty Sarba2.STY Sarba3.STY SASA.STY SBSA ...
Posted by remuscampean on Wednesday 05 October 2016 - 01:31:25

bullet Posted to download item: styles yonutzu
Posted by remuscampean on Sunday 02 October 2016 - 23:53:15

bullet Posted to download item: Ritmuri pentru Yamaha PSR 1000
... Hora Pintileasa.S589.STY HoRA SACA.STY HORA TARAF.s082.STY HORA&SARBA.S832.STY Hora+Batuta.S370.STY Hora-sarba 86.sty HORA-SIRB...
Posted by remuscampean on Saturday 01 October 2016 - 21:24:35

bullet Posted to download item: ritmuri pentru nunta
... Hora Pintileasa.S589.STY HoRA SACA.STY HORA TARAF.s082.STY HORA&SARBA.S832.STY Hora+Batuta.S370.STY Hora-sarba 86.sty HORA-SIRB...
Posted by remuscampean on Friday 30 September 2016 - 21:05:06

bullet Posted to download item: Mai multe midi-uri
...HET DE TRANDAFIRI.kar 015.BUNA SARA OAMINI BUNI-TARAF.kar 015.buna_sara_oamini_buni-taraf.kar 051.Bosquito-DOUA MAINI.kar 10 Benone Sinulescu ...
Posted by Moldovan72 on Wednesday 15 June 2016 - 08:53:08

bullet Posted to download item: program bun de petreceri midi
...scu-casutanoastra.mid 102 BUNA SARA OAMINI BUNI-TARAF.KAR 103 BUNA SARA OAMINI BUNI1.KAR 108.zmultianitraiascas-altadata.mid 1206017491_zingar...
Posted by Moldovan72 on Tuesday 14 June 2016 - 10:46:37

Results 1 - 1 of 1 in Chatbox

bullet Posted by dutu
Sali poate ajuta cineva daca are stylul pentru kprg pa3,de la Taraf Ruteni(Ziua,in care tu mai sarutat) Multumesc anticipat!
Wednesday 31 March 2021 - 21:21:42

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Comentarii noi

[download] Set Korg Pa600 Romanian DM Posted by 6ase6ase on 25 Jul : 12:48
Parola ???

[download] Set Korg Pa600 Romanian DM Posted by Grisa on 24 Jul : 20:46
Salut! Parola?

[download] Pastor Korg Pa3x le solo styles Posted by Dima2006 on 28 Jun : 18:48
Mersi mult!!

[download] Tonuri Korg Kronos2 - alin_alinalin Posted by naghy2005 on 27 Jun : 20:16
este set de kronos nu de 4

[download] Set kontakt 2017 + styles ( ADR Kontakt Set AD&MC ) Posted by unaidiu on 23 Jun : 18:11
''Demo Style AD pentru KONTAKT si clapa sau Kontakt +OMB+Clapa'' LINK: Click aici ! ''Demo KONTAKT'' [more ...]

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