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Results 1 - 10 of 245 in Downloads

bullet Korg (SET, user-program) | Set Korg PA80 cu card 16 MB
Set bun Korg PA80 cu card 16 MB
Author: cata_munt | Date added: Friday 03 April 2015 - 00:53:21

bullet Korg (SET, user-program) | Set Piano - Korg PA80
Author: ionut112 | Date added: Thursday 24 April 2014 - 04:34:02

bullet Korg (SET, user-program) | piano-pa80.set
Author: laga1111 | Date added: Saturday 03 December 2011 - 08:02:40

bullet Korg (SET, user-program) | AMOS-Pa80.set (3)
Program complet pentru pa80.
Author: amos | Date added: Monday 20 October 2008 - 08:00:33

bullet Korg (SET, user-program) | AMOS-Pa80.set (2)
Program complet pentru pa80
Author: amos | Date added: Monday 20 October 2008 - 08:00:15

bullet Korg (SET, user-program) | AMOS-Pa80.set (1)
Program complet pentru pa80.
Author: amos | Date added: Monday 20 October 2008 - 07:59:57

bullet Manuale de utilizare | Manual de utilizare - korg pa80 - english
Manual de utilizare - KORG PA80 - s.o. 3.06 - english version!
Author: klaudyu | Date added: Tuesday 16 September 2008 - 00:25:15

bullet Korg (styles) | Brau pa80
Author: sorinelf | Date added: Tuesday 01 January 2013 - 10:22:47

bullet Korg (styles) | Ritmuri maghiare Korg Pa80 - djbenja
Author: djbenja | Date added: Saturday 27 February 2016 - 10:20:56

bullet Korg (styles) | Ritmuri Roland convertite pentru Korg PA80
mai trebiuesc aranjate
Author: romi | Date added: Thursday 26 March 2015 - 12:46:03

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Results 1 - 2 of 2 in Members

bullet 1108 | Nelutu pa80
No Signature.
Joined on: Thursday 28 August 2008 - 14:58:48

bullet 17560 | lrazvan
Signature: Korg Pa3X-76 (ex Korg Pa1X, Korg Pa80, Yamaha PSR 2000)
Joined on: Saturday 04 January 2020 - 17:38:34

Results 1 - 10 of 567 in Forum

bullet As part of thread: Korg pa80 problema boot ramasa blocata
Salut dragi colegi , problema mea sta in felul urmator am un pa80 si nu mai intra in sistemul de operare , scrie doar korg pa80 boot (b) please wait ...
Posted by bratgeorge on Wednesday 26 October 2016 - 16:05:28

bullet As part of thread: Set PA1x convertit pentru PA80
Stie cineva ceva softuri cu care as putea sa convertesc un set de pa1x penteu un pa80?
Posted by tavy1979 on Tuesday 13 September 2016 - 19:26:12

bullet As part of thread: Sistem de operare PA80
Salutare! Am un KORG PA80 cu versiunea 3.06 din februarie 2005 si am gasit pe site-ul KORG aceiasi versiune 3.06 dar din 2015. Are cineva ideee daca e...
Posted by tavy1979 on Friday 09 September 2016 - 08:03:27

bullet As part of thread: Dilema achizitie korg pa80
...,ceea ce am si facut.acum am gasit pe net un korg pa80 la un pret ciudat de sunat si persoana respectiva mi_a spus ca nu functioneaza o cl...
Posted by adycok on Tuesday 29 March 2016 - 23:00:54

bullet As part of thread: Set maramures pentru Korg Pa80
... Admin: citeste Regulamentul si nu mai pune in Subiect "?????"! Nu ai precizat daca Pa80 are sau nu card pentru samplere, este important...
Posted by Cris3ti on Wednesday 02 December 2015 - 10:19:29

bullet As part of thread: Pareri korg pa80 sau korg pa50sd
buna lume imi cer mii de scuze .ca va deranjez si va retin din timpu D-voastra . care vi se pare mai ok ca clapa pa80 sau pa50sd . pareri despre aces...
Posted by valitzu_bv on Wednesday 03 December 2014 - 19:55:59

bullet As part of thread: korg pa80 vs yamaha psr 9000???!!!!!ajutor!!!! poate lucra la styleuri,la tonuri maiales semplate si in ce format,. cum suna fata de korg pa80? ori ce sfat e bine venit.multumesc .matei.
Posted by 80.istvan on Saturday 20 September 2014 - 09:54:20

bullet As part of thread: Korg pa80
Merg ritmurile de pa600 800 pe pa80 ?
Posted by GabiPSR on Saturday 19 July 2014 - 18:16:44

bullet As part of thread: Korg PA80 sau Roland GW8
salutare tuturor de curand mi-am vandut vechea orga si acum sunt indecis in ceea ce priveste modelele mai sus amintite respectiv Korg PA80 sau Rol...
Posted by bmwm3 on Thursday 20 March 2014 - 09:28:10

bullet As part of thread: KORG PA80 HELP
Salutare dragi colegi! Un baiat de 10 ani s-a apucat de clapa si am nevoie de ceva set cu tonuri pentru manual si ritmuri pentru Korg PA80 bune cat de...
Posted by soososec on Tuesday 11 February 2014 - 15:02:08

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Results in Other Pages

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Results 1 - 10 of 14 in Comments

bullet Posted to download item: Kosovo set
@viorel t,iti raspund eu.Kosovo set korg pa80
Posted by miki67 on Monday 07 September 2020 - 13:01:48

bullet Posted to download item: Set AD Pa600
Pe pa2 nu merg seturi decat de la modelele inferioare (pa800/pa1x/pa500/pa50/pa60/pa80)
Posted by angelitto on Thursday 02 August 2018 - 15:32:04

bullet Posted to download item: Un set bunicel
Este pentru PA1X/PA80
Posted by marius9 on Friday 16 February 2018 - 21:50:47

bullet Posted to download item: Ritmuri folclor Yamaha E433 - gigiflo
... Pop PA80.STY sogoritele.STY tambal-ADRI 87.sty TIGAMEA.STY Tiganeasca.STY TORT.sty unbilet.sty vinocmn.STY zanazanelor.sty
Posted by remuscampean on Sunday 09 October 2016 - 17:06:37

bullet Posted to download item: Colectie styles Yamaha
... Mega.S816.sty Cntry Swing.S937.sty Cntry16bt-PA80.S629.sty CNTRYBAL Mega.S937.sty CntryBounce Mega.S317.sty CntrySwing Mega.S832.sty Cntr...
Posted by remuscampean on Saturday 01 October 2016 - 21:38:53

bullet Posted to download item: styles colecţie gi.
... Mega.S816.sty Cntry Swing.S937.sty Cntry16bt-PA80.S629.sty CNTRYBAL Mega.S937.sty CntryBounce Mega.S317.sty CntrySwing Mega.S832.sty Cntr...
Posted by remuscampean on Saturday 01 October 2016 - 21:37:21

bullet Posted to download item: Set Korg PA 80 - Florinbilu
buna Domnu Florin imi cer mii de scuze daca va deranjez se poate sa imi trimite-ti si mie pe mail setu D-voastra accest de pa80 .va multumesc foarte ...
Posted by valitzu_bv on Tuesday 16 December 2014 - 20:59:20

bullet Posted to download item: SET Korg PA 80 cu samplere 16mb flash-card @ TUDORICA-VL
...a aici, cum se introduc samplere in flash card pe pa80. Asadar, am sa explic cat de cat si in mare asa cum pot si cat ma pricep, cum am fost eu indrum...
Posted by emiisound on Thursday 05 June 2014 - 15:44:49

bullet Posted to download item: SET Korg PA 80 cu samplere 16mb flash-card @ TUDORICA-VL
Va salut cu mare drag ! doreste cineva sa-mi explice si mie cum sa folosesc acest program ? Am si eu un pa80, sunt nou pe acest site nu prea am cunost...
Posted by emiisound on Wednesday 04 June 2014 - 15:23:17

bullet Posted to download item: Un program bun de Folclor
bre' am si roland am si korg..:P daca ala e set bun eu dau si rolandu si korgu si imi iau cancioc si mistrie! zici ca e de pa80 nu de pa800.
Posted by alinbz on Sunday 18 May 2014 - 20:06:33

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Results 1 - 1 of 1 in Chatbox

bullet Posted by nandor
Si eu am schimbat Froppydruverul cu un emulator, la un Korg Pa80, cu succes. Nu trebuia facut altceva, decat sa formatez un Stick Usb, si totul merge ...
Thursday 24 March 2022 - 12:35:58

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Comentarii noi

[download] Set Korg Pa600 Romanian DM Posted by 6ase6ase on 25 Jul : 12:48
Parola ???

[download] Set Korg Pa600 Romanian DM Posted by Grisa on 24 Jul : 20:46
Salut! Parola?

[download] Pastor Korg Pa3x le solo styles Posted by Dima2006 on 28 Jun : 18:48
Mersi mult!!

[download] Tonuri Korg Kronos2 - alin_alinalin Posted by naghy2005 on 27 Jun : 20:16
este set de kronos nu de 4

[download] Set kontakt 2017 + styles ( ADR Kontakt Set AD&MC ) Posted by unaidiu on 23 Jun : 18:11
''Demo Style AD pentru KONTAKT si clapa sau Kontakt +OMB+Clapa'' LINK: Click aici ! ''Demo KONTAKT'' [more ...]

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