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Results 1 - 10 of 45 in Downloads

bullet Roland (SET, user-program) | roland g600 set
ceva pentru g600
Author: bujaverca | Date added: Monday 13 January 2014 - 06:05:33

bullet Roland (styles) | styluri roland-g600-g800 bune
styluri roland g600-g800
Author: enesg800 | Date added: Friday 10 August 2012 - 13:35:55

bullet Roland (styles) | G600 - PROGRAM
Author: vastan | Date added: Friday 01 August 2008 - 13:30:09

bullet Roland (styles) | program Roland g600
sper sa va fie de folos
Author: andreiutzz | Date added: Wednesday 17 August 2011 - 06:29:52

bullet Roland (styles) | Ritm Roland G600 mulstos - janica
mulstos g600
Author: janica | Date added: Thursday 11 August 2016 - 17:57:41

bullet Roland (styles) | Ritmuri Roland G600 - balamucfm
Author: balamucfm | Date added: Saturday 28 November 2015 - 10:57:00

bullet Roland (styles) | Ritmuri Roland G600 - Danihusti
ritmuri g600
Author: Danihusti | Date added: Thursday 24 September 2015 - 07:37:20

bullet Roland (SET, user-program) | style roland g600 800 1000
style roland g600 800 1000
Author: c0smyn | Date added: Thursday 16 January 2014 - 07:02:58

bullet Roland (SET, user-program) | Roland g600 adt
Un set roland g600
Author: adt | Date added: Tuesday 26 March 2013 - 04:06:06

bullet Roland (SET, user-program) | g600 program
performanta g600
Author: sandubob | Date added: Monday 25 February 2013 - 15:58:13

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Results in Members

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Results 1 - 10 of 127 in Forum

bullet As part of thread: Intrebare Roland G600
sal. stie cineva daca este compatibil un floppy disk de la alta clapa sau pc ,cu cel de la g600? va multumesc
Posted by bercu on Friday 09 March 2012 - 23:55:22

bullet As part of thread: Putin ajutor in legatura cu Roland G600
Buna tuturor:) Am o cantare de craciun si cineva mi a dat o clapa roland g600 sa cunt ea.Problema este ca eu inca nu am clapa la mine acasa.Maine madu...
Posted by Laszlo on Friday 10 December 2010 - 21:33:40

bullet As part of thread: Manual g600
ma puteti ajuta si pe mine cu un manual de roland g600 in romana
Posted by aliosa1970 on Tuesday 24 February 2009 - 16:14:38

bullet As part of thread: clapa veche g600 incepator
Posted by c0smyn on Tuesday 29 April 2014 - 15:43:16

bullet As part of thread: Roland G600
Este o clapa buna dupa parerea mea(eu imi fac treaba cu ea)nu sunt mare muzicant dar cat de cat ma pricep...dor ca vad ca s-a incetat cu performantele...
Posted by naghy2005 on Saturday 05 October 2013 - 12:55:19

bullet As part of thread: Intrebare Roland G600
sal.stie cineva de ce am nevoie pt. a monta un hdd,la un roland g 600?
Posted by bercu on Monday 12 November 2012 - 21:04:14

bullet As part of thread: Intrebare G600
care sunt setarile midi in clapa pt a ma conecta cu kontakt?precizez ca am interfata multumesc
Posted by bercu on Monday 19 March 2012 - 21:29:38

bullet As part of thread: roland xp80 Cred ca se potrivesc si cele de g600 , g800 , g1000 , doar cred ca trebuiesc tăiați pinii de ghidaj.
Posted by bratgeorge on Wednesday 09 January 2019 - 11:18:40

bullet As part of thread: (Gume) Contacte claviatura roland
... ca se potrivesc si de la alte modele cum ar fi ; g600 g800 etc , am tot cautat pe internet si ce gasesc sunt foarte scumpe ajungând si la 80 de lei ...
Posted by miki67 on Friday 04 January 2019 - 15:55:07

bullet As part of thread: (Gume) Contacte claviatura roland
... ca se potrivesc si de la alte modele cum ar fi ; g600 g800 etc , am tot cautat pe internet si ce gasesc sunt foarte scumpe ajungând si la 80 de lei ...
Posted by bratgeorge on Friday 04 January 2019 - 10:52:14

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Results in Other Pages

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Results in Comments

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Results 1 - 1 of 1 in Chatbox

bullet Posted by cristiroland
va salut si intrat aici acum cam 14 ani aveam 15 ani si un g600...acum am 31 si cant cu acordeonul dar mai intru sa vad ce mai este si daca p...
Tuesday 15 October 2024 - 01:11:45

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Comentarii noi

[download] RoFolclorCM24 Posted by unaidiu on 25 Oct : 16:52
Multumim Mihai13 !!!

[download] ABX-Oct-PA1000 Posted by 6ase6ase on 23 Oct : 16:49
multumim - multa sanatate !!!!

[download] Set Korg Pa4X Anichei 2024-2025 Posted by alex-lx on 23 Oct : 01:20

[download] Set Korg Pa4X ABX Oct 2024 Posted by Mihai13 on 18 Oct : 17:33
Mersi Miki inca o data pt translatia la PA1000 - 430 compresatiAm gasit unde s-a pierdut diferenta.Posibil si ceva tonuri neutilizate dar si ceva returnele facute ca ton ce nu s-au [more ...]

[download] Set Korg Pa4X ABX Oct 2024 Posted by miki67 on 15 Oct : 21:41
Mda, nu vreau sa intru in polemici cu tine și nici nu vreau să îți reproșez ajutorul dat. Daca așa consideri tu că este fi sănătos.PS. Expresia ,,tati,, am folosit-o in ma [more ...]

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