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Ce microfon sa aleg ?
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ionut GW8
Wed, 19 Aug 2009, 10:31AM

Registered Member #2325
Joined: 16 Oct 2008
Posts: 39
Vreau sa-mi cumpar un microfon fara fir si dispun de 500 de euro.
Microfonul trebuie sa aiba atac si fidelitate, cat se poate, dar nu stiu ce sa mai cumpar printre atatea falsuri (nu exclud nici varianta second hand).

[ Edited Wed, 19 Aug 2009, 11:41AM ]

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Wed, 19 Aug 2009, 11:10AM
Solistu din trupa are asa ceva: LINK: Click aici !
si suntem multumiti cum suna.
Are prezenta, fidelitate .

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Wed, 19 Aug 2009, 11:20AM

Registered Member #2689
Joined: 29 Oct 2008
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LINK: Click aici !

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Wed, 19 Aug 2009, 11:38AM

Registered Member #1
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Off Topic: - NxSound, ajuta-l pe om daca poti cu ceva, lasa glumele ... Zona de "Divertisment" e in alta parte pe forum.

On Topic: - Eu i-ti recomand Electro-Voice N/D767A Wireless Microphone

Electro Voice RE2 UHF Handheld Wireless Microphone System with ND767a

The EV RE-2 Series Wireless Microphone System brings sophisticated professional features to an affordable price point.
The RE-2 is a completely programmable frequency agile system with one-touch Auto-ClearScan, operates over 28MHz (6 TV channels), XLR Mic or Line level output and many other features.

Whether you’re performing at the local rock club, lecturing at a corporate seminar, or speaking in a house of worship, the Electro-Voice RE-2 brings ease of use, clear sound, and clean channels to wireless.

Electro-Voice invented the scanning wireless with the EV NRU, and reinvented wireless with the professional touring RE-1 wireless microphone system, which is currently on tour with Static-X, Fishbone, and Simple Minds, to name a few. It’s been applauded by numerous bands, performers, and sound engineers as a complete wireless solution — combining outstanding sound, simple set-up, and roadworthy construction. Now Electro-Voice has risen to the next level with the RE-2. Athird-generation wireless system, it’s affordable, professional, and designed for those who are serious about their sound.

Where does the performing musician, corporate speaker, or religious leader go for professional sound? To Electro-Voice, a company that has over 25 years of experience in wireless innovations. The RE-2 wireless system takes frequency agility to a whole new level... professional RE-1 grade power with previously unmatched simplicity. You can also be assured that there will be no interference, drop-outs, or compromised audio quality. Simply press the one touch Auto-ClearScan button and the receiver finds the clearest channel in seconds. That’s it. You do your job as a professional performer, without the hassle and headache associated with many other wireless systems.

The RE-2 brings clean channels, clear sound, and clever wireless to your performance. Looking for a system that can accommodate electric guitar or bass? Simply switch the unit to the unique guitar setting to turn the receiver-transmitter into an optimized guitar wireless system. The RE-2 is also available with three different microphone elements to fit the vocalist’s individual style and application – from the popular N/DYM 267a dynamic and RE 410 condenser heads to the flagship Electro-Voice 767a dynamic head, there is a sound to suit any need.

BOTTOM LINE: When only the very best in wireless technologies will do, step up to the Electro-Voice RE-2 Wireless...
You perform like a pro — now sound like a pro.

The HTU2 handheld transmitter is a rugged high impact ABS plastic handle available with N/D767a or RE410 microphone elements. One button on/off/mute button makes the HTU2 easy to use and the smart battery feature makes it easy to maintain.

RE-2 UHF Receiver Features and Benefits

* One touch Auto-ClearScan: Finds the clearest channel in the clearest group in seconds
* Programmable in 25kHz steps across 28 MHz operating bandwidth: 1,112 possible frequencies so it will always find a clear channel
* Backlit LCD displays the Group, Channel, Frequency, transmitter battery level, diversity operation, and RF and Audio signal level meters: Professional systems costing twice as much don’t provide this much information
* Balanced XLR audio output for Microphone or Line level signals and a quarter inch line level jack: Compatible with any application
* Fourth generation Secure-phase diversity and advanced audio circuits: Provide maximum range and professional sound quality
* Unique Guitar Setting: Turns a standard receiver/bodypack into an optimized guitar wireless system
* Detachable quarter wave antennas: Flexibility - use with optional rackmount kits, antenna distributors and cables for permanent installations

RE-2 UHF Transmitter Features and Benefits

* Uniquesmart battery: Impossible to put the battery in wrong, great for quick changes on a dark stage
* LCD Displays Group and Channel, Frequency, or Battery Level: All the info you need at a glance
* Low battery LED: Tells you when to change the battery
* One OnOff button that also acts as a mute: Great for pauses in presentations and worship services
* OnOff button can be disabled: Prevents accidental turnoffs during a performance

RE-2 UHF Handheld Features and Benefits

* Available with three different microphone elements: Fits the vocalist’s style and environment
* RE 410 Condenser: Low handling noise, crisp condenser sound and off mic performance. Perfect for schools, houses of worship and any other multitasking application.
* NDYM 767a Dynamic premium vocal microphone with VOB (Vocal-Optimized-Bass): Excellent sound and gain-before-feedback for high SPL stages
* Internal half wave antenna: Excellent range; stays out of harm’s way

RE-2 UHF Bodypack Features and Benefits

* Cell phone style beltclip: Offers quick and easy attachment
* Optional pouches available: For use under costumes or for more vigorous applications like aerobics
* A wide selection of lapel and headworn microphone accessories are available: So you can select the microphone suited to your application

The N/D767a presents optimal performance in a live sound environment.The 767a vocal microphone utilizes EV’s new VOB (vocally optimized bass) technology to provide the performer with reduced low-end distortion and eliminates the muddiness found in other microphones. Combined with EV’s industry first neodymium based magnet structure, the new N/D767a offers the power and clarity to cut through the mix.

N/D767a Features

* VOB technology provides tailored bass response for controlled proximity effect and exceptional vocal clarity
* Supercardioid pattern for superior feedback rejection and acoustic isolation.
* Multistage shock mount for unmatched low-handling noise.
* Neodymium based magnet structure provides greater sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratio.
* Warm Grip handle for more comfortable feel.

The low frequency response of the N/D767a microphone varies with the distance from the sound source. Known as proximity effect, maximum bass response is produced in close-up use with the microphone a quarter-inch from the sound source. Normal bass response is experienced with working distances greater than 24 inches. Working close to the microphone will produce a more robust sound. Close up positioning of the microphone will also reduce the potential for feedback from the sound reinforcement system. When close-talked, the bass-boost provides an increase in overall microphone output level. The mixer gain may be proportionately reduced, resulting in a reduction of the system’s sensitivity to feedback caused by sound entering the microphone from the loudspeakers.

Multiple wireless units? Leading the industry again, AMS lets you choose your wireless frequency group!

* Available Frequency Groups Group A: 648 – 676 MHz
* Group B: 696 – 724 MHz

Electro Voice RE2 Specifications

* RF Specifications:
o A Band 648 - 676 MHz: TV Channels 43-48
o B Band 696 - 724 MHz: TV Channels 51-56
* Connector Type: Quarter-inch unbalanced
* Connector Type: 3-pin XLR
* Antennas: External quarter-wave detachable
* Diversity: Digital Posi-Phase™ True Diversity
* Indicators: LCD Group, Channel, Frequency, AF Meter, RF Meter, Battery Level
* Number of Channels: 1112 possible (programmable in 25kHz steps) per band
* Power Requirement: 12 V AC/DC 300mA
* Squelch: Tone Code plus Amplitude
* RE2 Reciver Finish: Non-reflecting: Black
* Case Material: Metal
* Dimensions (HxWxD): 1.72 x 7.5 x 5.91 inches (43.7 x 190.5 x 150 mm)

* Frequency Response: 50 – 15 kHz +/- 2 dB
* Balanced Output (max @ 40 kHz deviation):
o Mic Position: -10 dBV
o Line Position: Adjustable 10 mV-2V RMS
* Unbalanced Output: Adjustable 10 mV-1V RMS
* Distortion: <1.0%, 0.5% typical (ref 1 kHz, 40 kHz deviat)
* Signal-to-Noise Ratio: >100 dB A Weighted
* Dynamic Range: >100 dB

* Radiated Output: 30 mW typical
* Microphone Head Electro-Voice 767a: N/D 767a Supercardioid N/DYM Dynamic
* Microphone Head Electro-Voice RE-410: RE-410 Classic Cardioid Condenser
* Standard Lavalier Microphone: EV RE-90TX MicroMini™ Omni-Directional Condenser
* TA4 Connector Wiring:
o Pin 1: Ground
o Pin 2 Mic Input
o Pin 3: +5V bias
o Pin 4: +5V bias through a 3kOhm resistor
* Audio Gain Adjustment: 40 dB (handheld 26 dB)
* Power Requirements: 9 Volt Alkaline Battery
* Battery Life (Typical): > 8 hours with 9-Volt Alkaline
* Bodypack Antenna: Flexible external quarter wave
* Handheld Antenna: Internal half wave
* Dimensions, Handheld: 9.4 inches (240 mm) long
* Dimensions, Bodypack (H x W x D): 3.8 x 2.6 x 0.92 inches (96.5 x 66.0 x 23.4 mm)

[ Edited Wed, 19 Aug 2009, 11:40AM ]

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Thu, 20 Aug 2009, 01:08PM
Registered Member #7967
Joined: 07 Jul 2009
Posts: 153
Microfoane wireless Sennheiser EW 145 G2
(microfon de mana super-cardioid, receptor stationar)
Sistemul este format din :
- SKM 145 G2- microfon cu transmitator incorporat
- MD 845- capsula microfonica dinamica tip super-cardioid
- EM 100 G2 - receptor fix (type true diversity)
- accesorii, manual operare

Aplicatii : vocal, prezentari, televiziune, live stage work
Caracteristici generale:

- functionare in gama de frecvente UHF
- 8 grupe de frecvente, fiecare cu cate 4 frecvente presetate din fabricatie, pentru o accesare cat mai simpla si rapida
- 1.440 canale selectabile in ecarturi de 25 KHz, pentru obtinerea unei transmisii clare si fara interferente nedorite
- posibilitatea functionarii simultane in aceiasi sala sau in sali alaturate a unui numar mare de sisteme, fara a interfera intre ele
- transmisie sigura asigurata de puterea mare de emisie (30 mW)
- receptie stabila datorata sistemului “true diversity”
-“Pilot tone squelch” pentru eliminarea interferentelor de radiofrecventa atunci cand transmitatorul este oprit sau cand se depaseste raza de acoperire
- sistem automat de scanare a frecventelor disponibile
- constructie robusta din metal atat pentru transmitator cat si pentru receptor
- afisaj cu cristale lichide (transmitator si receptor) cu meniu simplu de utilizat
- posibilitate de blocare a tastelor impotriva modificarilor accidentale a parametrilor selectati
- reducator dinamic de zgomot HDX™ pentru un sunet clar
- indicator pentru baterie descarcata la transmitator si receptor
- consum redus de energie ce asigura o autonomie mai mare de 8 ore de functionare neintrerupta
- functia de “Mute” la transmitator
- gama larga de accesorii ce asigura adaptarea sistemului pentru orice cerinte
- functioneaza cu 2 baterii alcaline AA (1,5 V) sau acumulatori

Caracteristici tehnice:
Modulatie - banda larga
Domenii de frecventa - B: 626-662, C: 740-776 MHz (legale in Romania)
Grupe de frecvente presetate - 8, fiecare cu cate 4 frecvente fixe
Frecvente selectionabile - 1.440
Frecvente memorizabile - 4
Functie de scanare automata - 1 grupa de frecvente
Largime de banda - 36 MHz
Deviatie max. de frecv. - +/- 48 KHz
Sistem reducator de zgomot - HDX™
Domeniu de frecvente AF - 40 -18.000 Hz
Raport semnal/zgomot - > 110 dB
THD (1KHz) - < 0,9 %
Ton pilot squelch - 32.768 KHz (poate fi oprit)

SKM 145 G2 - microfon handy cu transmitator incorporat
Putere in RF - typ. 30mW
Alimentare - 2 baterii alcaline AA sau acumulatori
Timp operare - > 8 h
Dimensiuni - Ø 50 mm, L = 225mm
Greutate - aprox. 450 g.
Afisaj - cristale lichide, iluminat
MD 835 - capsula microfonica tip dinamic
Directivitate - cardioid
Sensibilitate - 1,5 mV / Pa
Max. SPL - 150 dB

EM 100 G2 - receptor stationar
Tip receptor - true diversity
Sensibilitate :< 2,5µV la 52 dBArms S/N ratio
Intrare antena - 2 conectoare BNC, 50 ohmi
Functie de scanare a frecventelor disponibile (libere)
Rejectie canale adiacente - > 65dB
Squelch - Off, Low 5dB, Mid 15 dB, Hi 25 dB
Iesire audio - conector jack 6,3 mm si XLR-3
Nivel iesire (ajustabil in 6 pasi) :
- Jack (nebalansat) : -30 la +12dBu
- XLR (balansat) : -24 la +18dBu
Alimentare - 10,5-16 V DC, alimentator inclus
Dimensiuni - 212 x 145 x 38 mm
Greutate - aprox. 1100 g.
Afisaj - cristale lichide, iluminat

MD 845
Tip capsula - dinamic
Directivitate – super-cardioid
Sensibilitate - 1mV / Pa
Max. SPL - 154 dB

Garantie: 24 luni.
Microfoane wireless din seria EW 100 G2
[EW 135 G2][EW 135-P G2][EW 145 G2][EW 165 G2]
[EW 112 G2][EW 112-P G2][EW 122 G2][EW 122-P G2]
[EW 152 G2][EW 172 G2][EW 182 G2]

Accesorii pentru EW 145 G2:
[CC 2]
Contact: Tel / Fax: 0256-242.001 ; e-mail: -email-

[ Edited Thu, 20 Aug 2009, 01:09PM ]

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Fri, 21 Aug 2009, 02:17PM
care este pretul la un EV prezentat aici??

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Thu, 03 Sep 2009, 04:08PM
Registered Member #119
Joined: 16 Jun 2008
Posts: 35
Electro-Voice N/D767A Wireless Microphone550 euro

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Tue, 24 Nov 2009, 03:19PM
Sau mai poti pune si iei de la importatorul direct Shure SM Beta 58.Dar din ce stiu, sunt bune si recomandarile de mai sus, mai ales daca nu ai o voce extrem de buna,precizez ca un microfon cu cat e mai bun, iti scoate in evidenta falsarile sau defectele vocale.Alegerea iti apartine!

[ Edited Tue, 24 Nov 2009, 03:23PM ]

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mircea roland
Tue, 24 Nov 2009, 04:55PM
Registered Member #8297
Joined: 29 Oct 2009
Posts: 3
Electro-Voice N/D767A e bine de tot

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Wed, 25 Nov 2009, 07:38AM

Registered Member #6316
Joined: 19 Feb 2009
Posts: 1250
iti recomand un microfon Condenser, ev,shure,senheiser,Heil,yamaha,

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