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Hello All - From 'Musicmaker'
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Sun, 17 Aug 2008, 02:35AM
Registered Member #882
Joined: Sat, 16 Aug 2008, 11:53PM
Posts: 2

John and Sunny

Hi Everyone,

I played as a 'Full [*****] Pro' for most of my life - not on key boards, but as an organist, playing mostly 'strict tempo' for Ballroom and Old [*****] Dancing. I only switched to Keyboards when I packed up travelling, due to a medical condition of my hands, as well as 'settling down' with my new wife, Sunny in 2001,who is also a 'pro' musician, but comes from Alaska in the USA! i Since then, I have not done any paid work, and just use my Yamaha 9000 Pro Keyboard for home use, and the occasional Charity Gig.

For over 20 years, I used the same organ, a Yamaha FX 20, which was an amazing peice of kit when new, now over 30 years ago, and even today, is still a great organ, if you can get your hands on a good one. In 1972, I purchased mine, as an ex showroom display model for 6,000 pounds (11,000 Dollars), a massive amount of money at that [*****]. In all those 23 years I played it, it travelled all over the world with me - all over the USA, on cruise ships out of Tampa, cruise ships out of Vigo and Southampton, as well as many venues on the Continent of Europe, including Portugal, Spain, Germany, Southern France, and of course, back and forth to UK. It weighed over 500 pounds (a quarter of a ton), and had a special wheeled crate it was packed in to move. In all those years, it never missed a beat, and is still, now 35 years old, still being used in a club I sold it to 9 years ago.

Since I lost 'Magic Maggie', as she was affectionately called, I have not played a lot, but still have a 'tinker'- and just enjoy listening to some of my old recordings that I made with her now and again. So for this tribute, here are some pics of her, a couple of recordings made on her, and a video of the FX 20 in action ... You must agree, we havn't really moved very far in the last 35 years since she was made! Just lighter!!!

Here are some of the Tracks from my LP and Cassette 'A [*****] To Dance' - Recorded in about 1985 ............

Click here to see some videos of the FX 20 Organ filmed only a year ago! (The Vids will go to 'Full Screen' if you click on the little Gizmo at the bottom right of the screen - If the videos don't start playing almost immediately, You need a player installed called 'FLV Player' - Get it here ........ (Read all the blurb, about what you can do with it, too !) ..... LINK: Click aici ! - this will also play any videos you save from YouTube, and various other sources. You don't need to have it where it is 'clickable', just in possible 'Program Files' - ... Its a really neat player.). .......................

'Hello Dolly', on the Yamaha Electone FX 20

'Theme From the Film 'Titanic', on the Yamaha Electone FX 20

'Theme From the Film 'Flashdance', on the Yamaha Electone FX 20

What a great tribute to Yamaha, and their musical expertise in producing such a fantastic machine!

Finally, here is a Video of my current keyboard, the Yamaha PSR 9000 Pro, with 'I'll Be There' (Note! ... No 'style' used until bar 32, when it kicks in. Bass is done using foot pedals!) ......................

'I'll Be There' on the Yamaha PSR 9000 Pro Keyboard

Happy memories !!!

Kind regards,

John ('The Musicmaker')

[ Edited Sun, 17 Aug 2008, 02:45AM ]

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Sun, 17 Aug 2008, 06:40AM

Registered Member #55
Joined: Fri, 30 May 2008, 10:44PM
Posts: 2878
welcome john

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