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Moderators: admin, Robert Craciun, pustiulica, angelitto
Author Post
Fri Jul 06 2018, 09:07PM

Registered Member #8203
Joined: Sun Oct 11 2009, 04:46PM
Posts: 654
e buna si ideea asta,dar mi-e teama ca nici asta nu pot fi obligati cei ce upload-eaza.

tocmai mi-a venit o idee: atunci cand urcam un fisier,adminii inainte de a aproba fisierul,sa scrie intr-un anumit fel,ca cei ce download-eaza,sunt rugati sa lase un coment si un rating,intr-un timp rezonabil.(poate ofera si o bere la 10 coment/rating ../../images/emotes/yahoo/yahoo_happy.gif

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Fri Jul 06 2018, 11:07PM

Registered Member #8203
Joined: Sun Oct 11 2009, 04:46PM
Posts: 654
ca sa vezi...intru pe saitul vecin din curiozitate si ce vad?! Adminul a dat pe timp de un an membru Premium la un user care a lasat comentarii la fisierele descarcate de el ../../images/emotes/yahoo/yahoo_happy.gif poate fi o incurajare,nu?

[ Edited Fri Jul 06 2018, 11:08PM ]

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Tue Jul 10 2018, 09:19AM

Registered Member #15363
Joined: Mon Aug 17 2015, 05:22PM
Posts: 102
Asa cred ca ar fii cel mai bine , ca oricine face umpload pe site cu o anumita arhiva sa scrie si detalii despre aceasta si sa nu se mai urce balarii pe site ca si admini sunt oamenii si poate nu au timp sa verifice chiar tot iar altii epuizeaza downloadul pe un fisier inutil din cauza ca nu are si descriere . Asta este parerea mea .

[ Edited Tue Jul 10 2018, 09:19AM ]

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Tue Jul 10 2018, 10:09AM

Registered Member #8203
Joined: Sun Oct 11 2009, 04:46PM
Posts: 654
bratgeorge a scris ...

Asa cred ca ar fii cel mai bine , ca oricine face umpload pe site cu o anumita arhiva sa scrie si detalii despre aceasta si sa nu se mai urce balarii pe site ca si admini sunt oamenii si poate nu au timp sa verifice chiar tot iar altii epuizeaza downloadul pe un fisier inutil din cauza ca nu are si descriere . Asta este parerea mea .

corect,asta ar trebui sa fie obligatoriu,nu titluri de gen : set bun, set belea,setul meu din clapa,set crima si pedeapsa Dupa aceea chestia cu rating si coment ar trebui sa reintre la constiinta si respectul fiecarui membru care download-eaza.dandu-mi seama ca nu poti obliga pe nimeni sa voteze,nu este deloc rea nici acea initiativa Admin-lui de pe un sait vecin,de a premia user-ul care a comentat nenumarate fisiere descarcate.

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Tue Jul 10 2018, 04:17PM
Registered Member #15184
Joined: Mon May 11 2015, 09:37PM
Posts: 1395
De unde chestia cu vecinatatea?

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Tue Jul 10 2018, 06:53PM

Registered Member #8203
Joined: Sun Oct 11 2009, 04:46PM
Posts: 654
nu prea inteleg care este intrebarea.vrei sa stii la care sait ma refeream? la exemplul era exclusiv in scop constructiv,sper sa nu fiu inteles gresit.aici consider ca sunt in ,,familie,,nu pe alte forumuri,unde intru doar din an in paste din curiozitate.dar fata de aici,slaba miscarea ../../images/emotes/yahoo/yahoo_happy.gif
daca am gresit cu ceva,rog un admin sa elimine comentul!

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Wed Jul 11 2018, 02:22PM

Registered Member #8203
Joined: Sun Oct 11 2009, 04:46PM
Posts: 654
Ce parere aveti daca as adauga la fiecare set korg pa de la sectiunea download, o lista cu tot ce contine setul respectiv,adica styl-uri,sound,performance si paduri? gen asa :

------------------------------------------------------------------ VIOREL_PA4X 2019mod.SET\STYLE\FAVORITE01.STY
1: Bossa STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 1 PA4X V2
2: Disco Samba STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 1 PA4X V2
3: Django STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
4: Besame Rumba STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 1 PA4X V2
5: Disco ChaCha STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 1 PA4X V2
6: Swing Ballad 2 STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
7: Bossa tambal STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
8: Mars nuptial STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 1 PA4X V2
9: Vals STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 1 PA4X V2
10: Tango STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 1 PA4X V2
11: Adaggio STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 1 Rel: 0 PA3X
12: Rock Roll STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 1 PA4X V2
13: Zorba Grecu STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
14: May Way STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
15: Strangers STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
16: Ipanema STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
17: Cafe Careless STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
18: Gipsy jazz band STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 1 PA4X V2
19: Soul G STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 1 PA4X V2
20: New Tango STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
21: Vals musette STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
22: Vals taraf STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
23: Vals Amore STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
24: Vals Dilaila STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
25: Tico Tico STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
26: Latin Band STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
27: Ispanyola STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
28: Polka Polonaese STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
29: Mocirita STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
30: Strip. STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
31: Misty New STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
32: Misty STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 1 Rel: 0 PA3X
33: Bossa STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
34: Bossa Lite STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
35: Fast bossa STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
36: Serenade band STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 1 Rel: 0 PA3X
37: Talya Rosalinda STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
38: La bamba cafe STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
39: Mambo Party STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 0 Rel: 3 PA800
40: Rumba new STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 1 PA4X V2
41: Marsul continuu STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 1 PA4X V2
42: - - -
43: - - -
44: - - -
45: - - -
46: - - -
47: - - -
48: - - -


[ Edited Wed Jul 11 2018, 06:47PM ]

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Wed Jul 11 2018, 03:35PM
Registered Member #15184
Joined: Mon May 11 2015, 09:37PM
Posts: 1395
miki67 a scris ...

nu prea inteleg care este intrebarea.vrei sa stii la care sait ma refeream? la exemplul era exclusiv in scop constructiv,sper sa nu fiu inteles gresit.aici consider ca sunt in ,,familie,,nu pe alte forumuri,unde intru doar din an in paste din curiozitate.dar fata de aici,slaba miscarea ../../images/emotes/yahoo/yahoo_happy.gif
daca am gresit cu ceva,rog un admin sa elimine comentul!

Fiecare e liber sa gandeasca si sa se exprime. Asa este aici! Mi-a fost dificil sa ma vad in vecinatatea unui site unde elementele esentiale ale unei comunicari nu sunt respectate. De aici si intrebarea...Nimic altceva de reprosat.

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Wed Jul 11 2018, 04:42PM

Registered Member #8203
Joined: Sun Oct 11 2009, 04:46PM
Posts: 654
Eu chiar nu stiu nimic despre celelalte saituri vecine am intrat,asa cum am spus,din pura curiozitate si mi.a atras atenția chestia care am spus-o anterior.oricum,putem alege ce este bun (daca este ceva bun),zic eu,si din casele unde nu merg tocmai bine lucrurile.închei subiectul prin a spune ca tot ce încerc sa fac aici este doar in mod constructiv pentru o functionare cat mai buna acestui sait.absolut nimic in interes personal sau in favoarea altor saituri vecine.
Sănătate si toate cele bune!

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Wed Jul 11 2018, 07:30PM

Registered Member #8203
Joined: Sun Oct 11 2009, 04:46PM
Posts: 654
miki67 a scris ...

Ce parere aveti daca as adauga la fiecare set korg pa de la sectiunea download, o lista cu tot ce contine setul respectiv,adica styl-uri,sound,performance si paduri? gen asa :

------------------------------------------------------------------ VIOREL_PA4X 2019mod.SET\STYLE\FAVORITE01.STY
1: Bossa STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 1 PA4X V2
2: Disco Samba STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 1 PA4X V2
3: Django STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
4: Besame Rumba STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 1 PA4X V2
5: Disco ChaCha STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 1 PA4X V2
6: Swing Ballad 2 STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
7: Bossa tambal STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
8: Mars nuptial STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 1 PA4X V2
9: Vals STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 1 PA4X V2
10: Tango STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 1 PA4X V2
11: Adaggio STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 1 Rel: 0 PA3X
12: Rock Roll STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 1 PA4X V2
13: Zorba Grecu STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
14: May Way STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
15: Strangers STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
16: Ipanema STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
17: Cafe Careless STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
18: Gipsy jazz band STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 1 PA4X V2
19: Soul G STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 1 PA4X V2
20: New Tango STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
21: Vals musette STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
22: Vals taraf STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
23: Vals Amore STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
24: Vals Dilaila STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
25: Tico Tico STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
26: Latin Band STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
27: Ispanyola STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
28: Polka Polonaese STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
29: Mocirita STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
30: Strip. STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
31: Misty New STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
32: Misty STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 1 Rel: 0 PA3X
33: Bossa STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
34: Bossa Lite STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
35: Fast bossa STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
36: Serenade band STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 1 Rel: 0 PA3X
37: Talya Rosalinda STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
38: La bamba cafe STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 0 PA4X
39: Mambo Party STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 0 Rel: 3 PA800
40: Rumba new STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 1 PA4X V2
41: Marsul continuu STY Ver: 0 Rel: 5 PERF Ver: 2 Rel: 1 PA4X V2
42: - - -
43: - - -
44: - - -
45: - - -
46: - - -
47: - - -
48: - - -


Rectific: Pot face asta doar la seturile urcate de informat la un admin. ../../images/emotes/yahoo/yahoo_sad.gif as fi dorit sa fac putina lumina in seturile existente sau măcar la ce se urca de acum înainte de toti userii.

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[download] midi-song-file Posted by rosisinger on 25 Dec : 14:15
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[download] Korg Pa5X Artist Edition Version 2.0 Posted by gabriel.38 on 24 Dec : 20:52
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[download] Set Korg MG Pa3-2023 - ionut74 Posted by miki67 on 21 Dec : 17:50
Ionut, inainte de a urca un set, trebuie dat un search pentru a verifica daca este deja setul aici. uite il pusesem corectat , ca initial avea o gramada de erori in sound, exact se [more ...]

[download] Korg Pa5X Artist Edition Version 2.0 Posted by Solo.4 on 21 Dec : 12:14
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[download] Korg Pa5X Artist Edition Version 2.0 Posted by Devylxxx on 21 Dec : 00:36
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