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Gem Wk8 detalii...
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Author Post
Tue Feb 04 2014, 12:08PM

Registered Member #13587
Joined: Thu Nov 21 2013, 06:48PM
Posts: 439
Gica,nu pot sa ma pronunt,imi pare rau!

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Tue Feb 04 2014, 12:29PM

Registered Member #12491
Joined: Thu Feb 21 2013, 08:41PM
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Tue Feb 04 2014, 01:33PM

Registered Member #55
Joined: Fri May 30 2008, 10:44PM
Posts: 2872
Conform manualului:

"WK6/8SE instruments are equipped with Sample
RAM memory (8 Mbytes for WK8SE and 2
Mbytes for WK6SE), sufficient to accommodate
the samples you wish to load. You can increase
the amount of memory by installing additional
RAM in the form volatile S-RAM kits supplied by
Generalmusic, or SIMMs chips which can be obtained
from most computer suppliers. You can
check the amount of sample memory that has
been installed by looking under EDIT GENERAL/
SYSTEM INFO, (F1 button)."

Deci poti pune memorie SIMM standard de 72pini si de la calculatoarele Pentium 1/2.
Nu am gasit insa, daca iti merge pe un slot, direct 32mb.
Ca mai bine cumperi direct de pe thomann prin cineva, memorie de 32mb, e cam la acelasi pret.

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LINK: Click aici !

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Tue Feb 04 2014, 02:28PM

Registered Member #12491
Joined: Thu Feb 21 2013, 08:41PM
Posts: 93
Multumesc frumos Cminor,foarte util ca deobicei ca si maestrul Minel.

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Wed Feb 05 2014, 12:52AM

Registered Member #4654
Joined: Tue Dec 30 2008, 05:19PM
Posts: 107
nu merg memoriile simm 72 pini la wk 4

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