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Yamaha Genos vs Roland EA7-Comparatie! |
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Devylxxx |
Registered Member #782
Joined: Tue Aug 12 2008, 12:48AMPosts: 184 |
LINK: Click aici ! La comentarii , aveti comentariul celui de la Dynamix, eu zic ca e foarte interesant ce zice omul! * Dynamix Audio It is very difficult to compare because of the price difference. You can buy almost 4 E-A7 for one Genos. But, other than your budget, it all depends of what you need. Genos is very well prepared, all factory sounds and styles are good, it has great keyboard and good display, so if you plan on using your new keyboard with only factory stuff then Genos is the right choise. E-A7 is very affordable, but that is only thing that is cheap here, be sure. It has nice and fast keyboard although not as good as Genos, and besides the fact that it is a matter of personal preference. It has nice styles and sounds, some of them better than Genos, some of them not, but it is not as uniformed as Genos, you can find some sounds louder than others and that kind of things, it is simply not as refined as Yamaha. It does not have fancy touch screen display, and multiple outputs. If you plan on using custom made material, sampled instruments and drum kits made by professionals, and custom made styles, or make your own material, styles and sounds, E-A7 is much more powerful than Genos, it can do things that Yamaha can only dream of. For example, you can not transpose bass guitar for one octave lower or higher on Genos, but on E-A7 you can do that and many other things, like velocity for given channel, or just drum family, for example only for snare you can change velocity, volume, panorama, Send FX, parametric EQ, and many many more. So the conclusion is that those two very different priced keyboards are very comparable if you use Genos out of the box because it does not give many options for sound mixing and producing, and if you use Roland's powerful editing and sampling, then both will sound great with really minor differences. My personal opinion, and for my way of work, I would always choose E-A7. It is not as refined as Genos, but it is much more powerful and operational, faster for live playing, and it is much more affordable. |
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angelitto |
Registered Member #14155
Joined: Mon Apr 28 2014, 05:16PMPosts: 1168 |
Incet, incet se conving toti ca Genos nu e o ”revolutie” ci o „teapa”. Zic teapa din prisma faptului ca costa peste 20.000 lei. Daca costa in jur de 14.000 era destul de ok. Dar pretul ei e prea mare pentru ce poate.
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Devylxxx |
Registered Member #782
Joined: Tue Aug 12 2008, 12:48AMPosts: 184 |
Corect, asa e! |
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gigiflo |
Registered Member #15184
Joined: Mon May 11 2015, 09:37PMPosts: 1395 |
Oamenii astia chiar cred ca ofera "luna de pe cer" sau ne submineaza potentialul, si in niciun caz nu ma refer la cel al "buzunarului". Parca nu ar trai printre noi... |
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CrysMM |
Registered Member #16489
Joined: Mon Apr 10 2017, 07:38AMPosts: 960 |
Yamaha trebuiau sa mai traga de ce au acum. Mai veneau cu un update la T5 si PSR-uri, mai storceau cativa mega din memoria ocupata cu balariile interne, sau veneau cu ceva nou printre topnuri si style, chiar si un update serios la soft cu bani era ok. Eu la clapa mea as fi platit pentru un update cu pack-ul Colors inclus si poate mai deblocau ceva memorie pe acolo. Cu ceva samplere serioase si mai bine lucrate, puteau sa urce toate clapele care le aveau acum, mai ales ca dpdv al sound-ului toate sunt potente, chiar si S670. Eu nu cred ca un colos ca Yamaha nu poate sa faca niste acordeoane bune in loc de balariile alea din clapa. in schimb ce fac ei? Scot o clapa de 4500 euro de care multi spun ca suna ca Tyros 4 sau 5, abandoneaza restul de clape si maresc preturile la toata gama de produse. Buna strategie. La noi au acces la Vatamanu si nu il folosesc la adevarata lui valoare. Puteau face set pentru Ro pe orice clapa Yamaha de nu le statea nimeni in fata. Sa nu ne miram ca au inceput comparatiile cu clape de 1000 de euro de la concurenta. De ce sa-mi iau Ferrari daca drumul pe care merg eu este plin de gropi si nu pot ajunge la destinatie cu el? |
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Devylxxx |
Registered Member #782
Joined: Tue Aug 12 2008, 12:48AMPosts: 184 |
Asa e, se pare ca Ea7 cu ceva samplere bate putin la fundulet din ceva puncte de vedere Genos,ul!
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mariuspantera |
Registered Member #8221
Joined: Tue Oct 13 2009, 03:44PMPosts: 357 |
Hai sa nu fim rautaciosi si sa fim corecti. Nu se poate compara Genosul cu jucaria de Ea7 din punctul meu de vedere. La capitolul muzica usoara bate detasat Genosul . La folclor chinuie baietii Genosul cum chinuim noi Korgul la muzica usoara. E doar parerea mea!
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CrysMM |
Registered Member #16489
Joined: Mon Apr 10 2017, 07:38AMPosts: 960 |
Pai nu cred ca il comapra, sau spun ca este mai bun sau egal cu Genos. Doar ca poti sa-ti faci treaba si cu EA7, mai ajuti cu ceva samplere si nu este nevoie sa dai banii de masina pe alta clapa. Eu tot raman la parerea mea ca Yamaha sau grabit cu Genos asa cum a facut Sega cu Dreamcast si Microsoft cu Windows Milenium de arunca lumea cu pietre in ei. Trebuiau sa o mai tina in proiect cel putin 1 an, sa o dezvolte intr-o alta directie tehnologica. Bine ca nu au pus claviatura seabord pe ea. |
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DorelC |
Registered Member #15598
Joined: Sat Jan 02 2016, 01:58PMPosts: 267 |
Din punctul meu de vedere singura comparatie e ca iti cumperi patru Roland de banii aia. In rest pe colegul care a zis ca bate usor la fund claputa asta l-as contrazice un pic. E parerea mea si o mentin!
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costygrek |
Registered Member #9293
Joined: Mon May 03 2010, 10:41AMPosts: 336 |
My personal opinion, and for my way of work, I would always choose E-A7. It is not as refined as Genos, but it is much more powerful and operational, faster for live playing, and it is much more affordable. Opinia mea personală, şi pentru modul meu de muncă, aş alege mereu E-A7. Nu este la fel de rafinat ca Genos, dar este mult mai puternic şi operaţional, mai rapid pentru joc live, şi este mult mai accesibil. Sant placut surprins sa aud ce zice cel de la Dynamix. [ Edited Fri Dec 01 2017, 09:43AM ] |
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